Together, we can make the internet a healthier place for young people

The Inspired Internet Pledge is a commitment by all who work within the digital ecosystem to unite with the common goal of making the internet a safer and healthier place for everyone, especially young people.

Inspired Internet Pledge Logo Mark

While many attribute the current youth mental health crisis to the use of interactive media, we know from our research that the digital ecosystem holds substantial promise for being an important part of the solution, enabling young people to express their identities, explore interests, and build meaningful relationships.

The Digital Wellness Lab believes that by sharing rigorous research and clinical expertise, we can change the paradigm for how young people use technology and interactive media. We also believe that efforts to design and maintain a healthy digital ecosystem for young people are more effective when public and private sectors join together for impact. 

With policymakers in the US and around the globe focused on how technology influences and affects youth mental health and emotional well-being, the Inspired Internet Pledge is an opportunity for the industry to come together and show, not just tell, how they are addressing some of our most serious challenges.

The #InspiredInternet Pledge

Tune to Wellbeing artwork

Principle 1

Tune for emotional wellbeing

We commit to understanding which actions and content correlate with wellbeing outcomes. We will use this to inform how we build and evolve products, services, policies, and advertising that support healthier experiences on and offline.

Listen and Act artwork

Principle 2

Listen to and act on insights from people who have experienced harm online

We commit to listening to and learning from those who have experienced harm online and the experts who support these communities, to inform our business.

Commit to Openness artwork

Principle 3

Share lessons collaboratively

We commit to sharing best practices, key research findings, and creative solutions to make the internet a healthier place for everyone — especially young people.


Founding Signatory:



Be Human(e) logo
Blue Fever
discord logo
PRIVO logo
roblox logo
saturn logo
Sesame Workshop Joan Ganz Cooney Center
the social element logo
Anonymous Signatories: 3 Major Tech Companies

Join us in making the internet a healthier place

Joining the Inspired Internet Pledge declares your company’s commitment to making the internet a safer and healthier place for everyone, especially young people.